Department of Energy South Africa, LNG to Power Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (“LNG to Power Programme”) considering project sites in Coega, Saldanha Bay and Richards Bay
Department of Energy South Africa
Our Role:
Programme Manager
The Department of Energy engaged the IPP Office to implement the LNG to Power Programme.
J Maynard was appointed as programme manager to co-ordinate the preparation of the LNG to Power Programme, including without limitation:
• the preparation of scope of work and appointment of consultants;
• the preparation of a request for information and the preparation of a report analysing the responses thereto;
• the preparation of a procurement concept note;
• the preparation of the request for qualifications and (partial) preparation of the request for proposals;
• the preparation of an information memorandum for the programme;
• the initiation of an environmental impact assessment in the Port of Richards Bay;
• extensive discussions with project stakeholders, including Department of Energy, Eskom, Transnet, landowners, Richards Bay IDZ and potential tenders from equipment suppliers to LNG suppliers; and
• co-ordination of the gas IPP conference.