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Chapman’s Peak Drive Toll Road PPP in South Africa


Concor Holdings (Pty) Limited

Our Role:

Commercial Project Manager and Financial Advisor

Appointed as Financial Advisor to a consortium led by Concor Holdings (Pty) limited who participated in the bidding process for a concession to design, construct, finance, maintain and operate a toll road on a section of Chapman’s Peak Drive in the Western Cape Province. The Concor Consortium special purpose vehicle Capstone 252 (Pty) Limited has executed all the project documents and the project has reached financial close and the road is now operational. Responsible for carrying out the following tasks as financial advisor to the Concor Consortium:
• to raise the debt and equity financing required to undertake the Project;
• to advise the Client on the appropriate financial and legal structures for the Project, including marking up of the first draft of the PPP agreement;
• to prepare the bankers case financial model for the project and various scenarios as required to prepare an analysis of the risks in the Project and to identify a strategy to deal with the risks identified;
• to assist in negotiations with the financiers, National Treasury and Government;
• to assist in resolving financial, legal and tax matters impacting the project;
• to assist in dealings with the empowerment shareholders
• to project manage the achievement of the conditions precedent to financial close for the project and
• to provide on going assistance with running the financial model, financial advice and in liaison with the lenders.

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